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On-going Research Program of PGRC- 2022-23


Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Management

Exploration and Collection of PGR diversity


Germplasm Morphological Characterization

Characterization of Pumpkin germplasm


Characterization of Amaranth germplasm

Characterization of Brinjal germplasm

Characterization of Coriander germplasm

Characterization of Hyacinth bean germplasm

Characterization of Cucumber germplasm

Characterization of Indian spinach germplasm

Characterization of Muskmelon germplasm

Characterization of Snake gourd germplasm

Characterization of Ash gourd germplasm


Germplasm Molecular Characterization

DNA fingerprinting of Sona mugh germplasm in Bangladesh

DNA fingerprinting of popular released rapeseed and mustard varieties of Bangladesh

Identification of Canola genotype using molecular marker


Germplasm Screening and Evaluation

Evaluation of Pumpkin germplasm under char land of Gaibanda


Germplasm Conservation, Regeneration and Utilization

Conservation of germplasm in active and base collection

Monitoring of germplasm in active and base collection

Multiplication of newly collected germplasm of different crops

Regeneration of conserved accessions of different crops


PGR Conservation and Maintenance through Field Gene Bank and Biotechnology

Maintenance and development of field gene bank

In vitro conservation of PGR


Documentation and Application of ICT in PGR

Documentation of the information of germplasm