The principal objective of irrigation and water management research is to determine how best the water resources, be it from underground, surface or rainfall can be utilized for crop production and how to minimize the harmful effect of this water. This inevitably demands research on how to exploit available sources of water, convey and distribute them to farms and apply the same to the individual crop field. The next important aim is to increase the crop water use efficiency in order to obtain maximum production per unit drop of water thereby increasing economic return and improving livelihood of the farmers. To achieve this goal, research need to be conducted on when and how much water should be applied, and when irrigation is not necessary at all.
The general objectives of the division are to conduct research on: a) proper irrigation scheduling and rain water management of the upland crops and drainage thereof, b) finding appropriate technologies for conveyance, distribution, application and utilization of water resources for crop production, c) assessment of ground water reserves and its development for agricultural use, d) water management in saline and drought prone areas e) wastewater management f) micro irrigation, and g) impact of climate change on irrigated agriculture.
There are great potentialities that need to be developed in the management of ground and surface water resources. In many crops improved irrigation system has the potential to double the production. Rice crop, on average, require 1000 mm of water for the growing season whereas most upland crops require 200 to 500 mm water when applied efficiently. All these indicate that there remains tremendous possibility of increasing crop production by bringing more upland crops under irrigation and by properly controlling and managing the available water resources.
The task requires, amidst others, research in larger scale and in diversified crops. However, the division has got a very limited number of scientists and facilities to address the aforementioned research problems. With this manpower and facilities, we are trying our best to the benefit of our agricultural concerns.
Research and development activities of Irrigation and Water Management Division are directed towards the economic development of the country. The division is working to help the nation becoming self-sufficient in food, to generate employment in agriculture and to increase income of farmers through the development of appropriate water management practices and techniques widely acceptable to all categories of farmers. This report presents the findings of both on-station and on-farm studies conducted during 2021-22. This year, the division carried out researches in the areas of crop water requirement and irrigation scheduling, water application and distribution methods, on-farm water management, saline and wastewater management, groundwater management and dissemination of developed water saving technologies at the farmer's level and improvement of farmers’ traditional irrigation practices.
Finally, I like to express my sincere thanks to the scientists/staffs concerned with these studies and to all who helped in bringing out this report.
Dr. Md. Anower Hossain
Chief Scientific Officer (in-charge) and Head
Dr.Sujit Kumar Biswas
Chief Scientific Officer (In-charge & Head)
Irrigation and Water Management Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701,