Maize (now all the varieties belongs to BWMRI)
17 hybrids-16 normal & 1 QPM (14 yellow and 3 white)
9 OPV's- 6 normal, 1popcorn, 1 baby corn and 1 sweet corn
9 varieties- 4 hulled (1 moderately salt tolerant 8dS/m)
5 hull-less (2 moderately salt tolerant 8-10dS/m)
Kaon, cheena and sorghum, oat and finger millet:
4 Kaon-( 1 dwarf and 1 moderately lodging tolerant)
1 Cheena
1 Sorghum (dwarf and moderately salt tolerant 8 ds/m)
1 Oat
1 Finger millet