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Annual Report-2020-21



Crop management







A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2020-2021to find out optimum fertilizer dose and suitable plant spacing for higher growth and maximum grain yield of sorghum. Three plant spacing viz., S1=60 cm × 10 cm (1,66666 plants/ha), S2=50 cm × 15 cm (1,33333 plants/ha) and S3 =60 cm × 20 cm (1,25000 plants/ha), and four fertilizer doses viz., F1=N120P60K50S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha, F2=F1 + 25% NPK (N150 P75 K63 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg /ha), F3=F1 + 50% NPK (N 180 P 90K 75 S27 Zn 2.8 B 1.4 kg /ha) and F4=Control (Native fertility) were used as treatments in the experiment. Results revealed that, plantspacingand fertilizer levels hasgreat influence on leaf area index (LAI), light interception, chlorophyll content (SPAD value), dry matter production and yield of sorghum. LAI was the highest with the lowest population of 125000 /ha with thehighest fertilizer N 180P 90K 75S27 Zn 2.8 B 1.4 kg /ha (F3).Light interception,chlorophyll content (SPAD value) was the maximum in the same treatment.Plants grown in 40 cm × 20 cm spacing (125000 plants/ha) with N 180 P 90K 75 S27 Zn 2.8 B 1.4 kg /ha (F3) gave the highest grain yield (5.55 t/ha) followed by same spacing 40cm ×20 cm (S3) with N150 P75 K63 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg /ha (F2). Though S3F3 combination gave the maximum gross return (Tk. 110930/ha) but maximum benefit cost ratio (2.16) was recorded in S3F2 treatment. The results indicated that plant spacing of 40 cm × 20 cm with fertilizer dose N180 P90 K75 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/ha and N150 P75 K63 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/ha might be suitable for sorghum cultivation.



Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a minor cereal crop but the importance particularly in the arid and semi-arid lands, where many lives depend on thecrop as a major source of food (Martin, 1970). Sorghum has the advantage of performing relativelywell under stress conditions such as drought and floods (Doggett, 1988). This provides anopportunity to increase production and yield of sorghum where other crops may fail.Food insecurity can be better addressed by increasing sorghum production in marginal areas of barind and char land where majority of the population are starving ormalnourished.Sorghum grain is higher in protein lower in fat content than corn and gluten free.Sorghum bran has greater antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties than well-knownfoods such as blueberries and pomegranates.Fertilizer is the driving force in the crop production system of the modern agriculture. Inorganic fertilizers today hold the key to the successof crop production systems in Bangladesh Agriculture.But there is no fertilizer recommendation for sorghum production in Bangladesh. There are many reasons of the low yield of sorghum. Among the factors of crop production, balanced fertilizer nutrient elements like NPKSZnB etc. is the single most important one that plays a vitalrole in yield increase (Mahmood et al.,2000; 2000 and Randhawa and Arora, 2000; Iqbal et al., 2015). On the other hand, spacing or number of plant population is also important for successful crop production. Plant population and row spacing are important factors for crop establishment technique that affects the crop stand and other yield parameters in different crops. Maintenance of optimum planting density is always a big problem to the farmers. Lower plant density results in higher weed infestation, poor radiation use efficiency and lower yields. On the other hand, dense plant population may cause lodging, poor light penetration in the canopy, reduction of photosynthesis due to shading of lower leaves and seriousyield

reduction (Lemerle et al., 2004; Lemerle et al., 2006). Similarly, plant population, on the basis of row spacing affects the crop stand,agronomic plant characteristics and the yield in sorghum crop (McMurray, 2004; McRae et al., 2008).Row spacing affects the crop yield potential (Staggenborg, 1999; Bryant et al., 1986). Reducing the distance between rows improves weed control (Walker & Buchanan, 1982) by increasing crop competition and reducing light transmission to the soil (Andrade et al., 2002). Narrow row spacing resulting in higher yield is explained by the improved light interception (Steiner, 1986) and decreased plant to plant competition between plants (De Bruin & Pederson, 2008). Johnson et al. (2005) reported reduction in total weed density in 30cm apart rows of peanut (Arachis hypogea) as compared to the weed density at greater spacing.Grain sorghum is commonly cultivated in rows with 60 to 75cm spacing, but with the development new production technology and introduction of new herbicides has opened a new window of opportunity to test narrower row spacing for grain production of sorghum. Determining the optimum spacing is essential to get the proper crop stand and maximum yield (Cox, 1996; Widdicombe & Thelen, 2002) of sorghum crop. There is a close relationship between number of plant population and fertilizer dose for crop production. Negative effect can be shown on crop yield if fertilizer is not increasing with increasing plant population (Kakon et al., 2020). Therefore, the appropriate fertilizer input and ideal plant spacing is necessary for getting higher grain yield. Effect of fertilizer and spacing on growth and yield of sorghum is inadequate or sporadic in Bangladesh.Hence, the experiment has been conducted to find out suitable spacing and optimum fertilizer dose for better growth andmaximum grain yield of sorghum.


Materials and Methods


The experiment was conducted at the Research Field of Agronomy Division BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur during rabi season of 2020-2021. The soil of the research area belongs to the Chhihata series under AEZ-28. Soils of the experimental plots were collected and analyzed. The physical and chemical properties of initial soil of the experimental plot has been presented in Table1.The soil was clay loam with pH 6.23, OM 1.29% (very low),total N0.112% (very low),exchangeableK 0.098meq/100g soil (very low), available P 15.23µg/ml (optimum), available S 24.94µg/g (optimum), available Zn 0.654µg/g (low) and available B 0.168 µg/g (very low). Organic matter, N, K and B were under critical level in the soil.Three

plant spacing viz., S1=60 cm ×10 cm (1,66666 plants/ha), S2=50 cm ×15 cm (1,33333 plants/ha) and S3 =60 cm ×20 cm (1,25000plants/ha) and four fertilizer doses viz., F1 =  F1= RF (120-60-50-27-2.8-1.4 kg/ha of NPKSZnB), F2=F1 + 25% NPK, F3=F1 + 50% NPK and F4=Control (Native fertility) were used in the experiment.There were 12 treatment combinations as follows: S1× F1,S1×F2,S1× F3, S1× F4,S2× F1, S2×F2,S2×F3,S2×F4, S3×F1,S3× F2,S3×F3and S3×F4..The experiment was laid out in a two factor randomized complete block design with three replications. The unit plot size was 8 m × 6 m. Seeds of sorghum (BARI Sorghum-1) were sown on 10 December 2020. Fertilizers were applied as per treatments. One-third of urea and full amount of triple super phosphate (TSP),muriate of potash (MoP), zinc sulphate and boric acid were applied at the time of final land preparation. The remaining urea was side dressed in two equal splits at 30 DAS and 50 DAS and mixed thoroughly with the soil as soon as possible for better utilization. A light irrigation was given after sowing of seeds for uniform germination. Three irrigations were done at 30 and50 DAS and grain development stage. Thinning was done at 20 DAS and weeding at 25 and 45 DAS.Data on growth parameters like leaf area and dry matter accumulation were measured at different dates with 25 days interval. For recording dry matter weight and leaf area, three plants from each replication were sampled at 25, 50, 75, 100DAS and at harvest. Different plant parts of the collected samples were separated and then oven dried at 800C for 72 hours. Leaf area was measured by an automatic leaf area meter (L13100 c, L1COR, USA). Light interception (LI) by the crop was recorded at five times (25, 50, 75 DAS and at harvest) at around 11:30 am to 13:00 pm by SunfleckCeptometer (Model Decagon,Pulman, Washington, USA).Four readings each of PARinc and PARt were recorded at different spots of each plot. The proportion of intercepted PAR (PARint) was calculated using the following equation and expressed in percentage (Ahmed et al., 2010): 

                                                             PARinc – PARt

Light interception {PARint (%)} =                                  × 100 


whrer, PARinc= Incident PAR, PARt= Transmitted PAR, PARint= Intercepted PAR


Soil-Plant-Analysis Development (SPAD) Value ofleaf chlorophyll content might be used as anindirect indicator of crop N status. Chlorophyll content measured using a portable SPAD meter (Model SPAD-502, Minolta crop, Ramsey, NJ) at 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 DAS. The crop was harvested on 21 April 2021 (133 days after sowing). The yield component data was taken from 5 randomly selected hills from each plot. At harvest, the yield data was recorded plot wise from central 10 m2area.The collected data were analyzed statistically and means were adjudged by LSD test at 5% level of significance using MSTAT-C package.Cost and return analysis was also done considering local market price of harvested crops. The nutrient status of initial soil of experimental field is given below:


Table 1. Initial soil analytical data of the experimental site at Joydebpur, Gazipur



OM (%)

Total N (%)



(meq/100g soil)







Available Zn






















Critical levels







L= Low, VL= Very low, O= Optimum


Results and Discussion

Leaf Area Index

Leaf area index (LAI) varied as influenced by different plant spacing and fertilizer doses. The LAI gradually increased and reached the peak at 75 DAS and after reached the peak LAI declined up to harvestin all treatments (Fig.1). The reduction of LAI after the peak might be reflecting the loss of some older leaves through senescence. However, the maximum LAI was recorded in S3×F3 (125000 plants/ha × N180P90K75S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) treatment followed by S3×F2 (125000plants/ha × N150 P75K63S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) treatment and S2×F3 (133333plants/ha × N180 P90 K75S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) treatment. Higher LAI indicated better leaf area expansion, which might help in solar radiation interception for more dry matter production. The lowest leaf area index (LAI) was found in S1×F4 followed by S2×F4 and S3×F4 treatments.


Fig.1.LAI of sorghum at different DAS as influenced by spacing and nutrient management.


Total dry matter production

The yield of a crop is mainly determined by the accumulation of TDM. The pattern of TDM accumulation in sorghum over time was influenced by different plant spacing and fertilizer doses(Fig.2). The TDM accumulation rate was slower up to 45 DAS then increased rapidly up to 60 DAS and then increased slowly up to harvest. The highest TDM was obtained from S3× F3 (125000 plants/ha × N180 P90 K75S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) treatmentat harvest followed by S3×F2 (125000 plants/ha×N150 P75K63 S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) treatment and S2×F3 (133333plants/ha×N180 P90 K75S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) treatmentand it was higher than other treatments throughout the growing period.Theminimum TDM was observed inS1× F4 (166666plants/ha × native fertility) treatment followed byS2× F4 and S3× F4. Total dry matter reduced in all spacingwith native fertility. Lower spacing (but higher plant to plant distance) with higher fertilizer produced higher dry matter accumulation.It might be due to dense plant population within a row may cause lodging, poor light penetration in the canopy, reduction of photosynthesis due to shading of lower leaves and ultimately the lower dry matter accumulationresulting seriousreduction in the yield (Lemerle et al., 2004; Lemerle et al., 2006). The treatments (lower spacing with higher fertilizer) which gave the higher value in leaf area index (LAI) were performed better in total dry matter production resulting higher grain yield. Similar findings were also reported by Tollenaar, Aguilera, & Nissanka, 1997 and Thakur et al. (1997).


Fig.2.TDM accumulation of sorghum at different DAS as influenced by spacing and nutrient management.


Light Interception (LI)

Light Interception varied at different plant spacing and fertilizer doses (Fig. 3). Light interception gradually increased and reached the peak at 75 DAS and after reached the peak LI declined up to harvestin all treatments (Fig.3). The reduction of LI after the peak might be reflecting the loss of some older leaves through senescence.Treatment combination of S3F3 (125000 plants/ha×N180 P90 K75S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) followed by S3×F2 (125000 plants/ha × N150 P75K63 S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) was favorable for light penetration to the upper of the canopy, which resulted better LI and the lowest LI was found in S1F4 (166666 plants × Native fertilizer). Higher light intercepted by the plants of the treatment S3F3 was presumably due to larger leaf surface availability for photosynthesis as evident by higher LAI. This indicated that population was the main factor influencing the net radiation absorbed by the plants. It might be due to dense plant population might be caused lodging, poor light penetration in the canopy, reduction of photosynthesis.The maximum light was intercepted at 75 DAS corresponded to higher LAI. The more the LAI, the greater the light interception. These results are in conformity with the findings of several earlier researchers as Pepper (1974) and Amanullah et al.(2010).

Fig.3. Light interception of sorghum at different DAS as influenced by spacing and nutrient management.


Chlorophyll content (SPAD value)

SPAD value was influenced by plantspacing and fertilizer level (Fig. 4).The leaf greenness which indicated the leaf chlorophyll content was measured by SPAD meter. Maximum SPAD values were observed at 60 DAS which declined progressively reaching the lowest at 90 DAS. The higher SPAD values of sorghum leaves at 60 DAS were probably due to the less sink demand for N from the source (leaf). SPAD value increases with the increase of fertilizer (especiallynitrogen). Conversely, SPAD values gradually decreased after 60 DAS,it might have been due to remobilization of N from leaves to reproductive organs as grain formation was started after 60 DAS. SPAD values increased with the increase of fertilizer levels irrespective of lower population with higher LAI.The highest SPAD value was found in S3F3 (125000 plants/ha×N180 P90 K75S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) followed by S3×F2 (125000 plants/ha×N150 P75K63 S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha).The lowest SPAD value was found in all spacing with native fertility.

Fig.4. SPAD value of sorghum at different DAS as influenced by spacing and nutrient management.


Plant height

Plant height of sorghum was significantly influenced by fertilizer doses but not by plant spacing (Table 1). The tallest plant (166.0 cm) was observed when the highest fertilizer dose F3(N180 P90 K75 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/ha) was applied followed by F2 (N150 P75K63 S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha) and significantly the shortest plant was recorded in F4= Control (Native fertility) treatment.


Table 1. Plant height of sorghum as influenced by fertilizer dose during rabi season of 2020-2021

Fertilizer dose

Plant height (cm)

F1= 120-60-50-27-2.8-1.4


F2=F1 + 25% NPK


F3=F1 + 50% NPK


F4=Control (Native fertility)


LSD (0.05)


CV (%)


Note: F1= RF (120-60-50-27-2.8-1.4 kg/ha of NPKSZnB), F2=F1 + 25% NPK, F3=F1 + 50% NPK and F4=Control (Native fertility)

Yield component and yield

Number of hill//m2, yield components and yield of sorghum were significantly influenced by plant spacing and fertilizer doses (Table 2). The highest number hill//m2 (17.5)was recorded in the treatment combination of S1F3 followed by S1F2 but the highestnumber of panicle/m2 (25.8)was recorded in S3F3 (narrow spacing with higher fertilizer dose) followed by S3F2.It might be due to increase in plant population that decreased the number of panicle/m2. It has also been reported that increased in plant population resulted in decrease in number of tillers (Pawlowski et al., 1993; Caliskan et al., 2007). Similar trend was observed in panicle length, number of grains/panicle, 1000-grain wt. and grain yield. Long panicle had higher number of grains /panicle. The lowest spacing (40 cm × 20 cm) produced the highest 1000-grain weight when the highest dose of fertilizer (N180 P90 K75 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/ha) was applied.The maximum TDM accumulation due to reducing the distance between rows resulting improved weed control as reported by Walker & Buchanan(1982) by increasing crop competition and reducing light transmission to the soilas reported by Andrade et al. (2002). Finally the highest grain yield was obtained from same treatment combination (Fertilizer dose N180 P90 K75 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/ha with spacing 40 cm × 20 cm)due tocumulative effect of better yield components followed bysame spacing with N150 P75K63 S27Zn2.8B1.4 kg/ha fertilizer level. Narrow spacing with higher fertilizer received higher light interception which accumulated higher dry matter and translocation of higher TDM to grain.Similarly, narrow row spacing with higher fertilizer produced higher grain yield in sorghum (Patil et al., 2018) and in soybean (De Bruin & Pederson, 2008). On the other hand, the lowest grain yield was observed in S1× F4 combination (wider spacing with native fertility) due to dense plant population within a row might be caused lodging, poor light penetration in the canopy, reduction of photosynthesis due to shading of lower leaves, produced lower dry matter accumulation and serious yieldreduction. These results have been supported by the findings of Hadaet al. (2016); Lemerle et al. (2004); Lemerle et al. (2006).


Table 2.Yield and yield components of sorghum as influenced by interaction effect of spacing and

             fertilizer during rabi season of 2020-2021

Spacing × Fertilizer dose

Hill/m2 (no.)

Panicle/m2 (no.)

Panicle/hill (no.)

Panicle length (cm)

Grains/panicle (no.)

1000-grain wt. (g)

Grain yield (t/ha)

































































































LSD (0.05)








CV (%)








Note: S1=60 cm ×10 cm (166666 plants/ha), S2=50 cm ×15 cm (133333 plants/ha) and S3 =40 cm ×20 cm (125000 plants/ha);F1 = 120- 60- 50- 27-2.8-1.4 kg /ha NPKSZnB (Recommended fertilizer dose), F2 = F1 + 25% NPK and F3 = F1 + 50% NPK, F4= Control (Native fertility)


Cost and return analysis

Cost and return analysis is an important tool to evaluate the economic feasibility of crop cultivation. Benefitcost analysis of sorghum production as influenced by spacing and fertilizer dose has been presented in Table 3. Among the treatments, the maximum gross return (Tk.1109300/ha) was observed in S3×F3 treatment followed by S3×F2. The maximum gross margin (Tk.54232/ha)and BCR (2.16) was recorded in S3×F2, narrow spacing (40cm×20cm) with fertilizer level (F1+25% NPK) i.e.(125000 plants/ha×N150 P75 K63 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/ha). Although treatment S3×F3 gave the maximum gross return but failed to produced maximum BCR due tothe maximum total cost of cultivation (Tk.54307/ha) was recorded in S3F3treatment due to involvement of higher fertilizer costs.


Table 3.Cost and return of sorghum cultivation as influenced by interaction effect of spacing and

             fertilizer during rabi season of 2020-2021


Gross return (Tk/ha)

Total variable cost (Tk./ha)

Gross margin (Tk./ha)






























































Price (Tk./kg): sorghum seed:50 and sorghum grain (food and feed): 20


It was concluded that spacing (40 cm × 20 cmwith fertilizer doseN180 P90 K75 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/haand N150 P75 K63 S27 Zn2.8 B1.4 kg/hamight be suitable for sorghum cultivation.This is the result of first year experiment. The experiment needs to be repeated next year for confirming the results.



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The experiment was conducted at the Research Field of Agronomy Division BARI, Gazipur during rabi season of 2020-2021and kharifseason of 2021 to find out the optimum fertilizer dose for ratooning of sorghum. Five fertilizer doses viz., F1= N120P60K50kg/ha), F2= N96P48K40kg/ha (80% NPK of F1), F3=N72P36K30kg/ha (50% NPK of F1), F4=N120 kg/ha, F5=Control (Native fertility) and three harvesting times viz., H1=35 days after harvest of grain crop (DAH), H2=40 DAH and H3= 45 DAH were used as treatments in the experiment. Results revealed that, fertilizer dose and harvesting time has influence on leaf area index (LAI), dry matter production (TDM) and green fodder yield of ratoon sorghum. HigherLAI, chlorophyll content (SPAD value), TDM andgreen fodder yield of ratoon sorghum wererecorded when the crop receiving the higher fertilizer like N120P60K50 kg/ha, N96P48K40 kg/ha, N72P36K30 kg/ha and N120 kg/haand harvested at 45 days after harvesting of grain crop.The results indicated that fertilizer dose of N120P60K50 kg/ha, N96P48K40 kg/ha, N72P36K30 kg/ha, N120 kg/hawithharvested at 45 days after harvest of grain cropmight be optimum treatment combination for ratoon sorghum production as fodder crop.



Now-a-days, cattle production is an important for income generation of the resource poor farmers and to alleviate poverty in Bangladesh. Green fodder can play an important role in rearing milk, meat and draft animals. The shortage of forage crops is about 99% (BBS, 2019) in the country. Rearing of animals is essential for milk production as well as draft power. But it is observed that little care is given to our animals due to shortage of feed. The shortage of animal feed becomes acute during August to November and January to May (OFRD, 1990). There is no scope for the farmers of Bangladesh to use his land for sole fodder production because he has to use his land only for food grain production. However, marginal lands can be used for growing forage crops without affecting areas under food and cash crops.  Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a dual-purpose crop used for both human food and animal feed in many Asian and African countries (Sarfraz et al. 2012; Bean et al. 2013), with key characteristics being wide adaptability across environments and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses (Krishnamurthy et al. 2007; Dahlberg et al. 2011; Gill et al. 2014). The crop residue is used mainly for feeding livestock by small farmers in the Asian and African continents (Hassan et al. 2015). Owing to very high crude fiber and very low crude protein concentrations, sorghum stover left after harvesting grain does not provide quality fodder for milking cattle (Manjunatha et al. 2014). The contribution of sorghum as a fodder crop it is fast growing, palatable, nutritious and utilized as silage and hay besides fresh feeding. Recently fodder production is a crucial issue in Bangladesh due to expansion of dairy and livestock farming.  In this case, sorghum can mitigate the demand because of its high yielding and high energy value produced with lower number of labour than other forage types. The perennial habit of sorghum in a tropical climate permits the production of successive harvest of seed crops from an initial planting. Cultural treatments involving tillage and fertilization to favor such practice are termed ratooning. Generally, in the plant crop and ratoon crops, more tillers, larger leaf area, larger stalks, larger heads with more and heavier grains, and taller plants, and therefore, increased grain and stover yields were produced with higher N dose (Rodolfo and Plucknett, 1977). Forage sorghum can be grazed (young or as deferredfodder), cut fresh, made into hay or ensiled (Pedersen et al., 2000).Sorghum has good ratooning ability from stubble of the plant crop, which is a desirable trait, as it reduces overall inputs in terms of seed for planting and labor for field preparation (Willey, 1990) (Vinutha et al., 2017). Nutrient requirement and source especially of nitrogen is the most important for the growth, fodder yield and quality of kharif sorghum as fodder crops (Yousif, 1993). On the other hand, cutting or harvesting time is important of ratoon sorghum as fodder due to amount and quality depends on harvesting time.However, research on fertilizer management and harvesting time of ratoon crop of sorghum is inadequate in Bangladesh.  So, the experiment has been conducted to find out the optimum fertilizerdose and suitable harvesting time for ratooning of sorghum as fodder crop.


Materials and Methods


The experiment was conducted at the Research Field of Agronomy Division BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur during rabi season of 2020-2021kharifseason of 2021. The soil of the research area belongs to the Chhihata series under AEZ-28. The soil was clay loam with pH 6.1. Soil of the experimental plots were collected two times (after harvest of grain sorghum and ratoon sorghum) and analyzed. The physical and chemical properties of experimental soil have been presented in Table1 (after harvest of grain sorghum).The soil of the research area belongs to the Chhihata series under AEZ-28. Soils of the experimental plots were collected and analyzed. The physical and chemical properties of initial soil of the experimental plot has been presented in Table1.The soil was clay loam with pH 6.20, OM 1.20% (very low), total N 0.110% (very low), exchangeable K 0.097 meq/100g soil (very low), available P 14.23µg/ml (optimum), available S 20.94µg/g (optimum), available Zn 0.650µg/g (low) and available B 0.167 µg/g (very low). Organic matter, N, K and B were under critical level in the soil.The 1stor grain crop experiment was laid out in a piece of land with the area of 32 m × 28 m. Seeds of sorghum (BARI Sorghum-1) were sown on 5 December 2020. Sorghum seeds were sown at a spacing of 60 cm between rows and 10 cm between the plants. Fertilizers were applied at the rate of 120-48-75kg/ha of NPK as urea, triple super phosphate (TSP), muriate of potash (MoP) for grain sorghum. One third of N, whole amount of TSP and MoP were applied as basal. Remaining 2/3 N was top dressed at 25 and 45 days after sowing (DAS) of sorghum. A light irrigation was given after sowing of seeds for uniform germination. Two irrigations were done at 30 DAS and 45 DAS. Thinning was done at 10 DAS and weeding at 25 DAS. Main crop was harvested at 144 DAS on 27 April, 2021. At harvest,plantwas cut15 cmabove the ground level to facilitate regeneration forratooning of sorghum as fodder purpose. After harvesting of the main or grain crop, ratooningexperiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The unit plot size was 5 m × 3 m.Five fertilizer doses viz., F1= N120P60K50kg/ha), F2= N96P48K40kg/ha (80% NPK of F1), F3=N72P36K30kg/ha (50% NPK of F1), F4=N120 kg/ha and F5=Control (Native fertility),and three harvesting times viz., H1=35 days after harvest of 1st crop (DAH), H2=40 DAH and H3= 45 DAH were used in the experiment.One-third of urea and full amount of TSP and MoP were applied just after harvesting of 1st or grain crop. The remaining urea was side dressed in two equal splits at 15 DAH and 25 DAH.The fodder was harvested as per time of cutting treatment. For recording dry matter weight and leaf area, three plants from each replication were sampled at harvestfor analysis to determine the quality of ratoon sorghum as a fodder crop. Dry weight of the samples was taken after drying at 80°C in an oven for 72 hours. Soil-Plant-Analysis Development (SPAD) value of leaf chlorophyll content might be used as an indirect indicator of crop N status. Chlorophyll content measured using a portable SPAD meter (Model SPAD-502, Minolta crop, Ramsey, NJ) at all harvesting times (35, 40 and 45 DAH). Green biomass weight of fodderwas recorded plot wiseimmediately after harvest. The collected data of the experiment were analyzed statistically and the means were compared using LSD test at 5% level of significance.


Table1. Initial (after harvest of main crop) soil analytical data of the experimental site at Joydebpur,




OM (%)

Total N (%)



(meq/100g soil)







Available Zn






















Critical levels







L= Low, VL= Very low, O= Optimum





Results and Discussion


Yield components and yield of grain sorghum

Plant height, yield and yield components like panicle length, number of grain/ panicle, 1000- grain weight of grain sorghum has been presented in Table 2.Plant height was (161.50cm), panicle number/hill (1.50), panicle length (18.77cm), number of grain/panicle (1010), 1000- grain weight (33.65g) and grain yield (4.46t/ha) were observed in grain sorghum.


Table 2. Plant height, yield and yield components of grain sorghum during rabi 2020-2021

Plant height (cm)


Panicle number/hill


Panicle length (cm)


Number of grain/panicle (no.)


1000- grain weight (g)


Grain yield (t/ha)



Plant height of ratoon sorghum

Plant height was differed at different fertilizer doses and harvesting times. The plant height gradually increased and reached the peak at harvest in all treatments (Fig.1). Higher plant height was observed in higher fertilizer doses when fodder was harvested 45 days after harvest of grain crop (H3) in all the treatments. However, the tallest plant was recorded in F1×H3 (N120P60K50 kg/ha × 45 DAH) treatment followed by F2×H3 (N96P48K40 kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment and F4×H3 (N120 kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment. The shortestplant was found in F5×H1 followed by F5×H2 andF5×H3 treatments.

Fig.1.Plant height of ratooning sorghum as fodder influenced by nutrient management and harvesting



Leaf Area Index

Leaf area index varied at different fertilizer doses and harvesting time. The LAI gradually increased and reached the peak at harvest in all treatments (Fig.2).All fertilizer doses produced higher LAI when fodder was harvested 45 days after harvesting of grain crop. However, the maximum LAI was recorded in F1×H3 (N120P60K50kg/ha × 45 DAH) treatment followed by F2×H3(N96P48K40 kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment and F4×H3(N120kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment. Higher LAI indicated better leaf area expansion, which might be helped in higher solar radiation interception for more dry matter production resulting higher green fodder yield. The lowest LAI was found in F5×H1 followed by F5×H2 andF5×H3 treatments.



Fig.2. LAI of ratooning sorghum as fodder influenced by nutrient management and harvesting time.


Chlorophyll content (SPAD value)

The leaf greenness which indicated the leaf chlorophyll content was measured by SPAD meter.Chlorophyll content(SPAD value)varied at different fertilizer doses and harvesting time. SPAD value gradually increased up to harvest in all treatments (Fig. 3). All fertilizer doses produced higher SPAD value when fodder was harvested 45 days after harvesting of grain crop. On the other hand,SPAD value increases with the increase of fertilizer (especially nitrogen). However, the maximum SPAD value was recorded in F1×H3 (N120P60K50 kg/ha × 45 DAH) treatment followed by F4×H3 (N120 kg/ha× 45 DAH) and F2×H3 (N96P48K40 kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment. Higher SPAD value indicated higherChlorophyll contentwhich might be helped to produce higher green fodder yield with good quality. The lowest SPAD value was found in F5×H1 followed by F5×H2 andF5×H3 treatments.

Fig. 3. Chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of ratooning sorghum as fodder influenced by nutrient

            management and harvesting time.


Total dry matter production

The yield of a crop is mainly determined by the accumulation of TDM. The pattern of TDM accumulation in sorghum was influenced by different fertilizer doses and harvesting time of fodder crop(Fig.3). The TDM accumulation was higher inhigher fertilizerdose when harvestedat 45 DAH. However, the maximum TDM was recorded in F1×H3 (N120P60K50 kg/ha × 45 DAH) treatment followed by F2×H3 (N96P48K40 kg/ha× 45 DAH) and F4×H3 (N120 kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment. Higher TDM indicated higher production of green fodder yield. The lowest TDM was found in F5×H1 followed by F5×H2 andF5×H3 treatments.

Fig.3.TDM accumulation of ratooning sorghum as fodder influenced by nutrient management and

          harvesting time.





Fodder yield

Fodder yield of ratooning sorghum was significantly influenced by different fertilizer doses and harvesting time (Table 3). The highest fodder yield (28.70 t/ha) was recorded when cropwas receivedhigher dose of fertilizer F1(N120P60K50 kg/ha) and harvested atH3(45 DAH) 45 days after harvesting of grain crop.It was statistically similar with F2×H3 (N96P48K40 kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment, F4×H3 (N120 kg/ha× 45 DAH)and F3×H3 (N72P36K30 kg/ha× 45 DAH) treatment. Higher green fodder yield was produced due to higher TDM, LAI and higher plant height. The lowest fodder yield (12.93 t/ha) was found in F5×H1 followed by F5×H2 andF5×H3 treatments. Similar result was reported by Azrag et al. (2015). They observed thatthe application of fertilizer 135 kg N/ha resulted in more plant height, more leaves number, more leaf area, more length of head, more weight of seed, more 100-seed weight and more grain yield in both season than the 90 kg N/ha, 45 kg N/ha and 0 kg N/ha, respectively.


Table 3. Fodder yield of ratoon sorghum as influenced by interaction of fertilizer dose and harvesting

time during kharif season of 2021

Treatment (interaction between fertilizer and harvesting time

Fodder yield (t/ha)

F1×H1 (N120P60K50kg/ha × harvested at 35 DAH)


F1×H2 (N120P60K50kg/ha × harvested at 40DAH)


F1×H3 (N120P60K50kg/ha × harvested at 45 DAH)


F2×H1(N96P48K40 kg/ha × harvested at 35 DAH)


F2×H2(N96P48K40 kg/ha × harvested at 40DAH)


F2×H3(N96P48K40 kg/ha × harvested at 45 DAH)


F3×H1 (N72P36K30 kg/ha × harvested at 35 DAH)


F3×H2 (N72P36K30 kg/ha × harvested at 40DAH)


F3×H3 (N72P36K30 kg/ha × harvested at 45 DAH)


F4×H1 (N120 kg/ha × harvested at 35 DAH)


F4×H2 (N120 kg/ha × harvested at 40DAH)


F4×H3 (N120 kg/ha × harvested at 45 DAH)


F5×H1 (Control × harvested at 35 DAH)


F5×H2 (Control × harvested at 40DAH)


F5×H3 (Control × harvested at 45 DAH)


LSD (0.05)


CV (%)




It was concluded that the fertilizer dose like N120P60K50 kg/ha, N96P48K40 kg/ha, N72P36K30 kg/ha and N120 kg/ha produced the higher and identical fodder yield of ratoon sorghum when harvested at 45 days after harvesting of grain crop.This was the result of first year experiment. The experiment needs to be repeated next year for confirming the results.





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Dahlberg, J., Berenji, J., Sikora, V. and Latkovic, D. 2011. Assessing sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench] germplasm for new traits: Food, fuels & unique uses. Maydica 56(2):85‒92. (Available at: https://goo.gl/oX2rLw).


Gill, J.R., Burks, P.S., Staggenborg, S.A., Odvody, G.N., Heiniger, R.W., Macoon, B., Moore, K.J., Barrett, M. and Rooney, W.L. 2014. Yield results and stability analysis from the sorghum regional biomass feedstock trial. Bioenergy Research 7:1026‒1034. DOI: 10.1007/s12155-014-9445-5.


Hassan, S.A., Mohammed, M.I. and Yagoub, S.O. 2015. Breeding for dual purpose attributes in sorghum: Effect of harvest option and genotype on fodder and grain yields. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science 7:101‒106. DOI: 10.5897/ JPBCS2015. 0498.


Krishnamurthy, L., Serraj, R., Hash, C.T., Dakheel, A.J. and Reddy, B.V. 2007. Screening sorghum genotypes for salinity tolerant biomass production. Euphytica 156:15‒24. DOI: 10.1007/ s10681-006-9343-9.


Manjunatha, S.B., Angadi, V.V., Palled, Y.B. and Hosamani, S.V. 2014. Nutritional quality of multicult fodder sorghum (CoFS-29) as influenced by different row spacings and nitrogen levels under irrigated condition. Research in Environment and Life Sciences 7:179‒182. (Available at: https://goo.gl/6O3YkS).


Sarfraz, M., Ahmed, N., Farooq, U., Ali, A. and Hussain, K. 2012. Evaluation of sorghum varieties/lines for hydrocyanic acid and crude protein contents. Journal of Agricultural Research 50:39‒47. (Available at: http://eprints.icrisat.ac.in/4


Pedersen, J. F. ; Fritz, J. O. 2000. Forages and Fodder. In: Sorghum: origin, history, technology, and production. Smith, C. W.; Frederiksen, R. A.


Vinutha, K.S., Anil Kumar, G.S., Michael Blümme and Srinivasa Rao, P. 2017. Evaluation of yield

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Yousif, B.M.1993. The Response of some sorghum cultivars to nitrogen fertilization at two sowing dates – thesis of Msc- University of Gezira – Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.









S.S. Kakon, M.A.K.Mian, M.R.Karim, A.A.Begum  and D. A. Choudhury



The experiment was conductedat Agronomy research field of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur, during Rabi (winter) season of 020-21 to study the effect of yield and yie


Intercropping of Vegetables with Brinjal

Intercropping is a traditional practice in Bangladesh and it increases total productivity per unit area through maximum utilization of land, labour and growth resources. By judicious choice of compatible crops and adopting appropriate planting geometry, inter/intra specific competition may be minimized resulting higher total productivity. Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is an important vegetable crop cultivated round the year throughout the country. It is tall structure, long duration (140-180 days) and widely spaced (80 cm × 60 cm) crop. Intercropping of different   vegetables (red amaranth, spinach and bushbean) with brinjal was found economically profitable.

Intercropping of Garden pea with Sorghum

Sorghum is popularly known as 'Jowar' in Bangladesh and India. It is popular all over the world as food for humans and animals. Short duration vegetable like garden pea can be easily cultivated as intercrop with sorghum without sacrificing sorghum yield. Garden pea is a protein rich nutritious winter vegetable. It is commonly used in salads, fries and vegetables. Garden pea being a legume, atmospheric nitrogen is deposited in the root nodules by Rhizobium bacteria and then added to the soil. It maintains the fertility of the soil.  In intercropping an additional crop could be grown and farmers are benefited financially. Crop productivity and cropping intensity will be increased.

Cultivation of Garlic under Zero Tillage with Mulch at Coastal Area


About 53% of the coastal area of Bangladesh are affected by salinity. Agricultural land use in these areas is very poor and usually mono cropped area, cultivated local T.aman rice only. Land remains fallow after T.aman rice. Fallow land can be utilized through cultivation of garlic under zero tillage mulch condition. Crop productivity and cropping intensity will be increased. Farmer’s income also will be increased. BARI Roshun-4 was found suitable for coastal region. Cloves of garlic will be planted in muddy soil after harvesting of T.aman rice. One third of cloves will be dibbled into muddy soil maintaining 20 cm×10 cm spacing.

Introduction of Mustard in Fellow-Boro rice Cropping Pattern at Chalanbeel

Beel (Low land goes under water and remains under water about 4-5 months generally from July to November) areas covering an area of 2.43 million hectares in Bangladesh. Agricultural land use in these areas are less productive and remains fallow in most of the part of the year. The existing major cropping pattern at chalanbeel area is Fallow- Boro-Fallow. Land remains fallow in the rabi and kharif season. Fallow land can be utilized through cultivation of mustard (BARI Sarisha-14) after receding of water from the soil and it does not hamper the cultivation of Boro. Crop productivity and cropping intensity will be increased. Farmer’s income also will be increased. BARI Sarisha-14 was found suitable for chalanbeel area in Mustard-Boro cropping pattern.

Agronomic Feasibility of Growing Chia in Bangladesh

Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a very high value medicinal plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family, native to Mexico and Guatemala. It has attracted interest in recent years because the concentration of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and fiber in seeds is significantly higher than other important grains and cereals such as rice, oats, corn, wheat and barley. In addition chia proteins lack gluten being an alternative to celiac disease and a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Chia contains omega?3 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber, which contribute to delay cellular aging and prevent cardiovascular diseases. 

Chia is currently cultivated in Australia, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, and Argentina. It grows naturally in tropical and subtropical environments. It is considered to be a short-day plant and grown between the 20 and 30 latitudes. The plant characterized by low water consumption and well adapted to arid and semiarid regions. These environmental conditions create hopes to grow Chia in Bangladesh as a new crop and would be a source of income for the farmers.  Today its value as crop and food is so high and their cultivation and consumption are currently takes place in 30 countries in the world. The Chia’s demand is increased up to 200 % by 2020 and its sales are expected to reach 1.2 billion dollars.

Chia seed is composed of proteins (15-25%), lipids (30-33%), fibers (18-30%), carbohydrates (26-41%), ashes (4-5%), minerals, vitamins. It contains a large number of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, tocopherol, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and flavonoids. Another advantage of chia is seed is that it does not contain gluten. The chia oil has superior quality than other oils such as soybean oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil and olive oil as it concentrates higher percentage of fatty ?-linolenic acid. Asia Pacific is expected to register the fastest growth rate from 2019 to 2025 on account of increasing product consumption in countries, such as India, China, and Japan. Moreover, rising cases of lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, blood pressure, and asthma, have resulted in increased demand for healthy snacks, which, in turn, will augment the regional market growth. Ideal for use in restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, schools, hospitals, cafeterias, and many other foodservice outlets to prepare pastries, doughnuts, breads, empanadas, sandwiches, cakes, muffins, pays, among many other recipes.

Introduce Chia for its high medicinal value and providing a good source of income to farmers there is a need to evaluate its cultivation as well as to develop appropriate agronomic management practices for higher growth and yield in Bangladesh. Since the cultivation is highly dependent on the environment to express its maximum agronomic potential, studies are needed to determine the factors that really affect the Chia yield. In this context, Agronomy Division of BARI has initiated some agronomic management studies to evaluate the feasibility of Chia cultivation in Bangladesh. Chia is a short duration crop (100-120 days) grown well from November to March. Considering the worldwide demand, Chia deserves a great attention due to the universal applicability of its products and derivatives.